The Red Sox paid tribute to U.S. Army Lt. Col. George Rollins, a Mission Hill native, for his military service May 17 during the Sox-Tigers game at Fenway Park.
It was a gorgeous Saturday afternoon as past and present Mission Hill folks filled a bus to the old ball park. I enjoyed the pre-game meal at the Colonel’s home, schmoozing with the Colonel and the O’Neill brothers—Jim, Kevin and Jack—for a Tobin Court reunion.
Among the other notable folks at the Colonel’s house were Ed Kern and his lovely wife, Beth Kern, and the Colonel’s West Point classmate Billy Pieper and his enchanting wife, Jean.
A Fenway Park sidebar: I bought two beers at the game, and the beer server recognized me as a writer for the Gazette. I gave the friendly beer man, Marc Waterfall, a ten and a five, and I told him to keep the rest. I turned away, but I heard Marc’s voice: “Sir two beers are $16.50.”
On warm summer evenings, I often stroll up the hill to watch the Mission Hill Little League games. Nine-year-old Joe Schlehuber caught my eye doing a superb job on the mound for the Cardinals (Minor League).When not pitching, Joe plays shortstop. Joe’s teammate is Drew Schlehuber, who plays in the outfield. Drew, who is 6 years old and can also play shortstop, is the youngest player in the league. The boys are blessed with an insightful assistant coach, Denise Power Schlehuber, their mom.
Condolences to the family of Kay Ryan, who passed away last month at 92. Kay, from the Mission Hill projects, leaves many children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Belovedly known as “Big Red,” Kay will be dearly missed.
Les Payne passed away last month in San Diego. Les, who was 81, lived in Mission Hill for many years. Les was active in many Hill activities, including the Mission Hill Theater Group. Les was also a terrific umpire in the Mission Hill Softball League.
Mike Sullivan, the oil man, was Mission Hill’s most recent loss. Mike, in his younger years, was the proprietor of Parker Hill Oil, which was a fixture in Mission Hill for many years.
Eddie “Noggin” Power, a 1955 Mission High School graduate, also passed away last month. Eddie, with his booming voice, was quite the character, and he gave me many laughs. About 40 years ago, Eddie often called the Jerry Williams radio talk show, spouting hilarious comments. At the time, Eddie was a laborer for the City of Boston, working next to the Chelsea Street Bridge. Eddie would invariably begin his call, “Hello Jerry, this is Eddie on the bridge.”
It was nice seeing Pat Colton at the Mission Hill Post last week. Last winter, Pat got clipped by a car while walking in a crosswalk in Weymouth. Thankfully, Pat is fully recovered and she is looking fine. Local folks in my age bracket remember Pat serving drinks at the Outside Inn, a popular bar that was located on Boylston Street near Fenway Park.