Month: October 2014

Editorial: The Best of Mission Hill

Congratulations to the winners of this year’s “Best of Mission Hill” Gazette reader survey. Once again, we marvel at how many outstanding choices residents have in this great neighborhood. Such “best-of” businesses as Mike’s Donuts have not only have served…

Editorial: DND must fix its map

The City’s Department of Neighborhood Development must stop using its incorrect neighborhood map to analyze data. One might think it goes without saying that a City department should not knowingly use deliberately incorrect information. Alas, it does not. We had…

Hill Happenings

A multitude of Mission Hill fans were among the large crowd who attended the Xaverian High School-Everett High football game on a pleasant Saturday afternoon last month in Westwood. The allure was rugged fullback Kenny Kern, from the Mission Hill…

What’s Happening on Main Streets

The fences came down, revealing trees nut-browned, Thy trucks have soon gone, all she lacks is renowned. Why have I succumbed to the joys of composing (bad) poetry? I’m delighted to have witnessed the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Thea and…