Categories: Opinion

Editorial: Yes to ‘NU neighborhood council’

Mission Hill should take up John Tobin on his remarkable offer to create a Northeastern University “neighborhood council.”

It is virtually unheard-of for a university to meet formally, regularly and openly with community members to address town-and-gown issues. Tobin, NU’s v.p. for community and government outreach, is a former Boston city councilor and knows exactly what can of worms he is opening here. That speaks to what a genuine offer it is.

We envision such longstanding and respected local associations as the Community Alliance of Mission Hill and the Mission Hill Crime Committee having representatives on the “neighborhood council.” It would be great to see NU students directly involved as well.

Of the many local schools, Northeastern is the one with the most influence and impact on Mission Hill. An NU “neighborhood council” is an extraordinary opportunity to improve communications and build partnerships—at a crucial time in the history of the school and the neighborhood, no less. We should seize that opportunity.

Gazette Staff:
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