Following controversy between its partner businesses, the parklet created by the City for Mission Hill, and with the Hill’s design input, was installed in Roslindale Village last week instead of returning to the Tremont Street spot it had last year.…
Month: June 2014
YMCA reopens facilities
The Huntington YMCA has reopened its fitness center, locker rooms, gymnasium, handball/racketball courts and pool following over a year of construction work for Northeastern University’s (NU) controversial GrandMarc dorm, according to a YMCA email newsletter. The facilities reopened between May…
Use a concern for DND Heath St. parcels
BACK OF THE HILL—The size and shape of any new development on 10 City-owned parcels along Heath Street need careful consideration, community members told the Department of Neighborhood Development (DND) planners at a June 5 meeting. The City plans to…
Memory fragment leads to adoption revelation
Just a fragment of memory was all that decided whether Barbara Ohrstrom, a project manager at a Northeastern University writing center, would find out who her birth parents were. Ohrstrom, who was adopted as a child, has detailed that quest…
Celebrating Survivors
Hill Agenda, June 13-July 10, 2014
The deadline for Hill Agenda listings is noon, July 8 for the July 11 issue. Email listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given. Meetings Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services board…
Congrats to Grads
Participación, June 13-July 10, 2014
La entrega para la sección de Participación es mediodía el 8 de julio para la edición 11 de julio. Escribir [email protected]. Note: Todos los números tiene 617, a menos que dice otro número. Reuniones Community Alliance of Mission Hill,…
First Responders: EMTs: Every day is an adventure
Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) Andrea Amuzzini and Chanel Belim have to be ready for anything every day, they told the Gazette during a visit and ride-along in their ambulance on June 6. Ambulance 13 usually covers Mission Hill, Jamaica Plain…
First Responders: LMA hospitals ready for mass casualty events
When mass casualties occur, society turns to hospitals to treat the victims. Two local Longwood Medical Area hospitals—Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH)—said they’re ready for those events and have their training to thank.…