New blood

We welcome newcomers Andrea Campbell and Annissa Essaibi-George to the City Council.

The changing of the guard at the Council allows new people to bring new ideas and perspectives. Campbell and Essaibi-George being elected to the Council doubles the number of women to four members, providing much-needed diversity and role models for the younger generations.

The new blood on the Council could not have happened without Campbell and Essaibi-George taking the risk to run. We urge more people to take on that challenge and hopefully increase interest, so the City might improve upon the paltry 14 percent turnout that happened on Nov. 3.

We thank Charles Yancey for his many years of dedicated service, advocacy for the Boston Public Schools (may the Mattapan high school be finally built), and speaking for those whose voices are often not heard. We are thankful that Stephen Murphy is leaving.

Gazette Staff:
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