Month: January 2016
BRA board’s vote on S. Huntington Ave. guidelines delayed
By Emily Resnevic and Peter Shanley Gazette Staff The Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) board’s vote on the S. Huntington Ave. guidelines has been delayed so the agency can further discuss them with the Boston Parks and Recreation Department, according to…
Participacion, Jan. 15, 2016
El plazo para la sección de Participación es al mediodía el 2 de febrero para la edición del 5 de febrero. Escriba a: [email protected]. Note que los números telefónicos empiezan con 617, a menos que diga otro código de área.…
BPS receives $1.5 million art grant
Boston Public Schools (BPS) has been awarded $1.5 million in grant funding from the Wallace Foundation to support its continuing expansion of arts education, according to a press release. The money will directly support the Boston Public School Arts Expansion…
Hill Happenings
More than a 100 parishioners gathered at Mission Church for a fundraiser last month in memory of the late Father Joseph Manton. Father Manton, who died in 1998, served at Mission Church for 60 years. The eminent priest arrived on…
MSPCA to waive adoption fees for rabbits
The MSPCA-Angell’s Jamaica Plain adoption center received 25 rabbits from a single home in December, one of the largest single surrender of rabbits in the organization’s recent history, which prompted adoption center officials to schedule a fee-waived adoption weekend in…
Affordable-housing policy
We at the Gazette are pleased that the City has finally revised its affordable-housing policy, but are disappointed with the final product. The new policy will bring in much-needed money to the City’s affordable-housing fund through raising the amount developers…
MBTA, a grade A business
We would like to commend the people running the MBTA for having a terrific business plan. The T continues to break down and have delays frequently, leaving the average Joe or Jane stranded on their way to or from work.…
Gun violence has no place in our neighborhoods
By Mayor Martin Walsh I traveled to Washington, D.C., and stood with President Barack Obama as he took measures to make our communities safer. Requiring all gun purchases to include a background check is a common sense, simple step, which…
What’s Happening on Main Streets
The New Year brings hope and optimism to Mission Hill. With the holidays concluded I’d like to give a thumbs-up to those who did more shopping “locally” and a pat on the back to all the businesses that helped to…