Wentworth Institute of Technology (WIT) will attempt to increase female enrollment and help women pursue degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics by providing scholarships, according to a press release. The school received a $100,000 gift from Turner Construction Company…
Month: February 2016
Hill History: This Month in Hill History
The Gazette’s top headlines from this month in local history: 5 Years Ago: 2011 “Turner sentenced to three years in prison” Former City Councilor Chuck Turner was sentenced on Jan. 25, 2011 to three years in prison and three years…
Hill History: Iconic buildings
Hill Agenda, Feb. 5, 2016
The deadline for Hill Agenda listings is noon, Mar. 1 for the Mar. 4 issue. Email listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given. Meetings Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services board…
Participacion, Feb. 5, 2016
El plazo para la sección de Participación es al mediodía el 1 de marzo para la edición del 4 de marzo. Escriba a: [email protected]. Note que los números telefónicos empiezan con 617, a menos que diga otro código de área.…
Editorial: Council President Wu
There is welcome news coming from the Council President’s Office. At-Large City Councilor Michelle Wu, who was recently voted president, says she will be bringing more transparency to the Council. One of the ways she plans to do that is…
Hill Happenings
Mission Hill mourned the loss of Mary G. Breen, a wonderful and beautiful woman who passed away last month. Mary, who lived on Parker Hill Avenue for all of her 83 years, was an accomplished singer and a soloist at…
What’s Happening on Main Streets
At the monthly Main Streets board meeting, I started getting flashbacks of my college geology class. Our guest speaker started describing geological drumlins formed by the glacier that covered the Boston area during the ice age. Of course the drumlin,…