Hill Happenings

Mission Hill lost a good man last month when Tom F. McDermott passed away. Tom was a hard worker who was employed by GateHouse Media in Needham for many years. Tom followed the local sports teams and he enjoyed watching the games at the Mission Hill Post with his buddies. Tom will be missed.

This month in local history: On March 12, 1846 Roxbury is incorporated as a city and James Clark becomes its first mayor. Twenty-two years later, Roxbury is annexed to Boston.

Condolence to the family of Marie Fabiano, who passed away on Jan. 29. Marie lived on Mission Hill for many years. Marie would be seen by her Worthington Street neighbors every day, patrolling the street, picking up trash, and greeting her neighbors. Marie loved Mission Hill.

Belated happy 50th birthday to Mike Cosby (Feb.12). A surprise party to commemorate the milestone was held at the Emerald Society in Roslindale. Among the special guests at Mike’s party was his dad, Tom Cosby. Tom, a World War II veteran, is still looking spry. Good job by Mike’s beautiful wife, Jeane Marie (Sheehan), in coordinating the festivity.

Ermira Kembora enjoyed a nice birthday celebration Feb. 20. Ermira, a lovely woman, works at Mike’s Donuts across from Mission Church and she always serves me my coffee and bagel with a smile.

The Carolina-Denver Super Bowl game was a dud, but I had a super time at the Mission Hill Post, eating, drinking, and reminiscing with friends. Several former players from 1979 Killilea Club championship football team attended the Super Bowl party, including Kevin O’Neill, Jack O’Neill, and John Jennings. Also in the crowd of Super Bowl revelers was Patricia Colton, a beautiful local woman who still calls Mission Hill her home. A tip of the hat to Post bartender Joe Ryan. Joe, a cheerful sort, tells me that my tips will help send his grandchildren to college.

Mission Hill lost a beautiful woman last month when Kathleen O’Brien passed away. Kathleen adored Mission Church and she insisted on attending Sunday Mass despite her declining health. Kathleen was a lector at Mission Church for many years and she also sang in several Catholic Church choirs. Kathleen never married. “I would never have a man tell me what to do,” she once said. Kathleen loved traveling and she journeyed to Ireland many times. She also loved the Red Sox and she attended hundreds of games at Fenway Park. God Bless Kathleen.

Last month I seemed to enter a time machine as I had a beer (Narragansett) up the “Ledge” with three friends on a cold Sunday afternoon. If you’re not from the Hill, the Ledge (currently Kevin Fitzgerald Park) was a place where generations of Mission Hill youth would imbibe and hang out. It was the perfect place for underage drinking with a cover of cobblestones and trees. I recall some of the innovative guys up the ledge also cooked baked potatoes, poking a hole in the spud with a stick.

In 2006 at the dedication to Kevin Fitzgerald Park, Kevin, a great guy and a magnificent orator, alluded to the history of the place about to be named in his honor. The large Mission Hill throng chuckled, although Mayor Menino and other dignitaries were a bit puzzled.


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