While sitting at my laptop, a Beatles song lyric repeats in my head… “Doing the garden, diggin’ the weeds, who could ask for more? Will you still need me? Will you still feed me? When I’m 64?” Paul McCartney was 15 when he penned this ditty about his dad. On my way to the office this morning, I spied many tulip and daffodil buds bursting through the soil. Is the tune horticulturally inspired? (Gardening is my secret pleasure.) Was the tune activated by memories of my own father who never attained that interval? Contemplating my own three offspring…did they write me a song? No, it’s more obvious. I’ve passed another milestone on life’s journey. I’m finally a Codger. That catchy melody will haunt me as I write my column. Things could be worse…I’m not humming that Kars 4 Kids commercial!
Last month’s Mission Hill Crime Committee meeting was spirited, but they are always respectful. It is not surprising that the Mission Hill Crime Committee is Boston’s longest continuously meeting crime watch. One of the secrets for the group’s success is that every April when gathering they refrain from discussing crime issues and assemble just to enjoy each other’s company. No fundraising and no one trying to promote anything….just a good old community party at the Mission Church Parish Hall with tons of good food and the nicest neighbors anywhere. Thursday, April 26 at 6:00 p.m. should go on your calendar to remind yourself to attend the 33rd anniversary Crime Watch party. There’s a very brief awards presentation and the local Main Street merchants donate special treats and some neighbors bring along home cooked dishes. Maria Weinograd, Jeannine Barry, Mary Todd, Toni Komst and the rest of their gang tell me “All are welcome…the more the merrier!”
Don’t be alarmed if on April 8 you observe hordes of college students scurrying about Mission Hill sweeping gutters, painting over graffiti, and picking up trash. Northeastern University is conducting a massive clean-up to wrap up the school year in honor of their student-initiated spruce-up volunteers called The Breakfast Club. A simple concept where Husky students gather on Sunday mornings to nibble away at our endless supply of litter, followed by nibbling away on Mike’s Donuts’ pastries and coffee at noon. Rebecca Regan from Northeastern’s Off-Campus Student Services and Michael Fitzgerald helped initiate this scheme of dedicating this year’s community service event to those stalwart Breakfast Club visionaries who do nice things for their neighbors. When you see these young folks out and about give them a thumbs-up along with a kind word…none of them are getting paid to do it.
May 19 is Mission Hill’s date for the annual community-wide City-sponsored Spring Cleaning called “Love Your Block” formerly known as Boston Shines. This year’s event occurs over various weekends across the city in order to better marshal the logistics of the effort. Mayor Walsh’s neighborhood liaison Yissel Guerrero is coordinating this year’s scrub-a-thon for our area. It’s really a fun day when the weather cooperates, it is satisfying when you see the finished product and, of course, many hands make for light work. To sign up call 617-635-2679 or contact [email protected].
It is a gubernatorial election year in our Commonwealth. Whether politics will compete with the stellar starting pitcher rotation of the Boys of Summer at Fenway for excitement this year remains to be seen. It does appear that Governor Charles Baker won’t have much trouble holding onto his job. Charlie’s popularity ratings soar through the roof. Locally, we’ll watch the race to replace Suffolk County District Attorney Dan Conley, who is wrapping up his 16-year tenure in the role. A former prosecutor before serving as a City Councilor, Dan took his job seriously earning widespread respect. Dan’s greatest asset, however, is wife Tricia who grew up on Alleghany Street and has served for decades as a registered nurse at New England Baptist Hospital. A variety of names have been dribbling out and surely more will emerge before the field is set.
If you were anywhere near the Puddingstone on March 10, you would have sworn Tom Brady was inside having lunch with Oprah and Madonna. The place was jam packed with throngs milling about outside gazing through the windows for local state Rep. Jeffrey Sanchez’ re-election announcement. Jeff is another local who takes his job seriously earning the respect of his fellow 159 representatives as their chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. It seems by the outpouring at this meeting, the people of his district feel he is an important player to keep in his post.
Lastly, from time to time we at Mission Hill Main Streets make a call for volunteers to assist us in maintaining the vitality of our neighborhood commercial district. Whatever way you feel you could aid us, we could use your help. Any effort large or small is appreciated by the members of our board. Your ideas are welcome. A call to 617 427-7933 or a message to [email protected] is all that is needed to begin the process. If you’d like to help in any way we’d love to have you with us.