For the fifth consecutive year, MCPHS University held its Commencement on the field at Gillette Stadium, home of the New England Patriots. More than 1,600 students were on hand to graduate and receive their diplomas. Dr. Elizabeth Nabel, President of…
Month: June 2018
Hill Agenda, June 1, 2018
The deadline for Hill Agenda listings is noon, Tues. July 3 for the July 6 issue. Email listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given. Meetings MHHM Advancing 6-8 Gore St.…
Participacion, June 1, 2018
El plazo para la sección de Participación es al mediodía, martes, 3 de julio para la edición del 6 de julio. Correo: [email protected]. Los números telefónicos abajo empiezan con el código 617. Reuniones 6-8 Gore St. jardín comunitario de…
Hill Happenings
With Memorial Day weekend upon us, may we pause and reflect back on the many who lost their lives in the line of duty for our country. A walk up the hill to the Mission Hill ball fields brings a…
Supporting the Burney Street development On April 6, 2018, the Gazette published an article on The Laneway Project, the proposed building and open space at 9-11 Burney Street. The article reported details on the project, but failed to acknowledge…
Help end distracted driving By BTD Commissioner Gina Fiandaca Glancing at that new text message on your phone. Scrolling through satellite radio stations to find the right song. Adjusting your GPS to find a new route. Any of these activities…
What’s Happening on Main Streets
What a vivid time of year this is! Flowers abloom, graduates adorned in academic regalia strolling with their proud families, iridescent sunsets, Old Glory flapping in the breeze… Mission Hill suffuses color at this time of year and the boys…