What’s Happening on Main Streets

How apt the trite observation, often attributed to Bismarck, about how unappetizing the creation of sausages and legislation can be. Did you watch “the world’s greatest deliberative body” advising and consenting to the Kavanaugh nomination? Among the multitude of unsavory topics probed was the justice’s legendary weak stomach. Loving government and history as I do, even I found the partisan positioning and impassioned hyperbole spewing forth from both sides enough to make me retch. These hearings are destined to become a cultural touchstone for decades to come reminiscent of that “Have you no sense of decency, sir?” moment in the Senate hearings of 1954. Finley Peter Dunne’s aphorism applies, “Sure, politics ain’t beanbag!”

Occasionally, I like to plug a good read. I stumbled onto a new book by CBS White House correspondent Major Garrett entitled “Mr. Trump’s Wild Ride” which offers an unemotional analysis of our “Apprentice” Chief Executive’s current term. It’s a fascinating look at the way the President operates without the typical shrieking melodrama. Good, bad or indifferent it gave me a greater insight into our current leader. He certainly is different than the previous 44.

You’ve heard me rave about the importance of local civic groups. Let me update you on the Sept. 26th Community Alliance of Mission Hill Meeting which gave ringing endorsements for plans of the Boston Building Resource-Reuse Center to renovate their building at Terrace Street, the conversion of a house at 5 Worthington Street into a single family home and meeting space for the Rabbi and his family assigned to the Chabad associated with Harvard University as well as the 40 and 132 Terrace Street Affordable Artist Residences on land formerly controlled by the City of Boston. If you truly care about Mission Hill, please try to attend the CAMH meetings at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health on the fourth Wednesday of the month.

The amazing Laura Adams raved to me about the 3rd annual “Senior Prom” held at Wentworth on Sept. 29 with over 180 elders in attendance. A live band got folks dancing and the generous support of the Harvard School of Public Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Roxbury Tenants of Harvard and New England Baptist Hospital helped make the event a hit. Wentworth Institute’s Joanna Sena announced that this year’s King and Queen were local sweethearts Seth and Mary Allendorf-Burns. Often referred to as the Mayor of Tremont Street, Seth is fond of wearing stylish chapeaux. Let’s see if he starts wearing his crown?

The 2018 celebration of ghouls and ghosts falls on a Wednesday this year with an even bigger and better Halloween on the Hill envisioned by the Mission Hill Youth Collaborative (MHYC). A multitude of monsters, large and small, will stalk the spooky sojourn at the Tobin Center Haunted House while outside, the little ones will be riding ponies. Costumed mobs of kiddos will solicit candy at local businesses manned by college volunteers throughout the neighborhood. Face painting, games, music, and even free toothbrushes from Great Hill Dental will be presented. Nobody comes close to the Mission Hill effort by John Jackson and his staff (we had well over 500 children participate last year) and if you wish to participate or donate, please drop by the Tobin Community Center.

Another mainstay, the Mission Hill Road Race will be held on Saturday, Oct. 13. Runners and walkers of all abilities traverse the hills while neighbors cheer from the sidewalks. Proceeds from the event go to the upkeep of the breathtaking Kevin Fitz Park off of St. Alphonsus Street. The Mayor and the local pols always attend, as well as oldsters, youngsters and students who’ve developed a genuine affection for this urban gem of a neighborhood. College students compete for bragging rights and the Pudding Pot trophy and prizes are awarded for various ages and levels. Sign up through racewire.com and volunteers are always appreciated by Patricia Flaherty at pflaherty@missionhillnhs.org.

Recently at the Laughing Monk, I picked up some interesting information from residents of those new apartments at 35 South Huntington Ave. A family of five that hails from the Deep South has lived there for more than eight months because their elementary school aged daughter (the eldest) is undergoing extensive treatment at Boston Children’s Hospital. The family originally stayed at the Inn at Longwood across from Children’s. “Y’all have lots of noise in Boston… wailin’ sirens, the whop-whop-whop of helicopters and the like,” the father stated. He contends that his apartment is comfortable like a real home with a kitchen and is quiet for his two preschoolers. I inquired about trolley noise at that turn and the constant Riverway traffic and was told that the design and materials used makes the building virtually soundproof. He raves about his strolls along Leverett Pond and says that Bostonian’s aren’t cold and withdrawn as he had heard. “There’s right-nice folks in Mission Hill,” I was told and agreed. Several other families including international folks in similar situations now reside at that address. I was happy to share with them my knowledge about the businesses that will soon be moving into the commercial space on their first floor.

Great news from the Boston Licensing Board that Bucktown Chicken and Fish Restaurant has been granted a Common Victualler 7-Day All Alcohol license for their upcoming location at 1522 Tremont St. This hip dining facility has won accolades for their original Providence venue from food reviewers throughout the industry. The owners scouted extensively as to where they’d establish a second location and Mission Hill fit the bill.

Richard Rouse:
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