Month: June 2020

COVID-19 updates for Mission Hill

With ramped up COVID-19 testing the number of those infected with the COVID-19 virus in Mission Hill/Roxbury has become more clear.  Since mid-May, 24 4,317 residents in Mission Hill/Roxbury have been tested and 21.4 percent percent of those tested have…

What’s Happening on Main Streets

By Ellen WalkerSpecial to the Gazette We are already halfway through the year and 2020 will be remembered as quite memorable!  As the City guides us through the various phases of re-opening, it is a wonderful time of year to…

Mayor’s Garden Contest deadline July 10

Mayor Martin J. Walsh has announced that the 24th annual Mayor’s Garden Contest will take place this year keeping within current social distancing guidelines. Boston’s green thumbs have until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, July 10, to register. The contest provides the perfect opportunity to…

Hill Happenings

It was a touching Memorial Day observance of our fallen Mission Hill veterans at Brigham Circle in a ceremony presided by Mission Hill Post 327 Commander Col. George Rollins.  Memorial Day is a somber holiday, but it was nice to…