It was great seeing Billy Hanafin who stopped in Mike’s Donuts the day before his 93rd birthday (March 6).
The Hanafins are a wonderful Mission Hill family who supported Mission Church for years, particularly Billy’s late brother, Charley Hanafin. Charley, a successful businessman, went beyond the call of duty, contributing to the Church restoration fund.
Billy was accompanied by his charming daughter, Mary Hanafin (Hourihan), and Mary and I chatted about the old days of Mission Hill. As a youngster at Mission Grammar School in the early ‘60s, Mary played Claudia in the acclaimed passion play, “Pilates Daughter,” which was held at St. Alphonsus Hall for decades.
Last month Mission Hill mourned the death of Joe Tuohey, a loyal friend who grew up in the Mission Hill project. Joe, tall and lanky with red hair, had a gifted personality. In his presence with his infectious smile Joe always exuded the sunny side of life, be it in the old days at Ed Burke’s Tavern or more recently at the Mission Hill Road Races and other Hill events.
Joe will be dearly missed.
Pat Colton, from Mission Hill, celebrated a milestone birthday last month. It doesn’t seem long ago when Pat, being a gorgeous Playboy Bunny, was a local celebrity. In the late ‘60s Pat was a waitress at the Outside In, a popular watering hole for locals on Boylston Street near Fenway Park. When I went to the Outside In with my fake ID,I would always sit at Pat’s table because she was, and is, special.
Although 92 percent of Mission Hill voters casted ballots for Joe Biden, I haven’t seen a Biden bumper sticker in months. I did see a car with a tattered 2004 Kerry-Edwards sticker as I walked past Fisher Ave. on the back of the Hill.
Belated Happy Birthday to Jim Burke, a great guy and a longtime Mission Hill resident who is a Vietnam veteran.
It was nice seeing Maryanne O’Keefe last month at the Corrib Restaurant in West Roxbury last month. Maryanne, an admirable woman, was with her son, Donnie O’Keefe. Donnie was a fine hoopster for Mission High in the ‘80s, after which he starred for So. Maine, leading that school to the N.C.A.A. Division 3 finals in 1986.
The Mission Hill Post 327 held a meeting March 1 at Victory Point Restaurant in Quincy. Among the topics discussed was a donation approved to Mission Hill Main Streets in anticipation of the M.H.M.S. 25th anniversary celebration on Sept. 10. Ellen Walker, M.H. Main Streets Director, has been a strong advocate for our veterans, particularly at our Memorial Day and Veterans Day ceremonies at Brigham Circle.
The Mission Hill Post supports the Mission Hill community and all veterans. Our Post welcomes three new members: Bob Walsh, Fred Clow and Bridget Leahy. The Mission Hill Post is always seeking new members and any veteran who is interested in joining may contact our Post Commander, Col. George Rollins-703-209-2124. The next M.H. Post meeting will be held Tuesday, April 5, at 7 p.m. at Victory Point Restaurant in Quincy.
Maurice can be reached at [email protected].