The music reverberated through the Tobin Gym as the Boston Celtics cheerleaders guided the Mission Hill senior citizens in a variety of exercises. The event was dubbed “The Senior Celtics” and special guest, Leon Powe, a member of the 2008 Celtics championship team, harmoniously mingled with the crowd. I enjoyed chatting with Chrissy Dwyer from the N.E. Baptist Hospital, which sponsored the event. Mary Ann Nelson, Executive Director of The Mission Hill Health Movement, also attended the time. Mary Ann loves Mission Hill and she is a candidate for State Representative in the 15th Suffolk County which includes Mission Hill, Roxbury and Jamicia Plain.
Special gratitude goes to Harry Walsh, proprietor of the Mission Bar & Grill, who provided one hundred lunches to the seniors. Thanks Harry and I enjoyed the delicious chicken sandwich..
Brother Conal, the headmaster at Mission High in the early 60’s, passed away on May 7 at age 93. Brother Conal and I met a few times in his office when I was “slacking” in the classroom. He was a good man who nurtured us when we needed it most. After my sophomore year at Mission, Brother Conal and the other Xaverian Brothers departed our proud school, most of them going to greener pastures in the newly built Xaverian High School in Westwood..
Walking by Brigham Circle a few weeks ago, I noticed about 20 Chelsea High baseball players in uniforms happily lapping up ice cream as the school bus awaited them in front of J.P.Licks. I talked some baseball with the players who were well mannered and inquisitive when I told them I played high school baseball. It seemed to matter little that the team had just lost to Latin Academy 8-6, after all it was a gorgeous sun splashed 80 degree day and it’s been said; “Baseball is a metaphor of life.”
A large crowd gathered at Mission Church for a Memorial Mass to celebrate the admirable life of Hellen Collins last week. Hellen, born in the summer of 1928, was a spiritual woman who raised nine terrific Mission Hill children, two of whom are priests, Father John Collins and Father George Collins. Some years back, Helen worked at the New England Baptist Hospital and she was beloved by her fellow workers in the Physical Therapist Department. May Hellen Collins rest in peace.
I was delighted to see the revered Father Dabney at the Memorial Mass. Fr. Dabney served at Mission Church for 11 years and he is currently in residence at the Baltimore Provincial House.
A tip of the cap goes to Jim Burke and Brian Back who spruced up Calumet Square and adorned that area with American flags in preparation of Memorial Day. The energetic Burke is 79 and a VietNam veteran.
Teenagers Lauren Alden and Kendall Alden notched tickets to see the superstar British singer, Harry Styles perform last week at UBS Arena in Long Island, NewYork. I’ve known the Aldens since they were little girls and they are so nice. The young ladies were driven by their loving dad, Eric Alden. Eric is the president of Longwood Properties Inc. in Mission Hill, and he is a Board member of Mission Hill Main Streets..
God Bless Sister Patricia Hammond SSND and Sister McHugh who received the coveted Mary Leydon Award during a ceremony at Mission Grammar School last month. Both teachers previously taught at Mission Grammar which opened in 1889 . I’m proud to say that Sister Hammond and I were classmates at Mission High, class of 1967. Nine of Sister Hammond’s close lady friends from Mission High attended the joyous event. The ladies from that great “67” class have remained close throughout the decades. They love life and a good party and they affectionately call themselves “The Biddies”.
Thanks to my Mission Hill neighbor, Dawn Twomey, for the delicious plate of Greek CousCous. I wasn’t familiar with that healthy cuisine full of greens which tastes better than a salad. It was nice seeing our Boston Police Officers for “Coffee with Cops” Day at Milkweed Cafe last week. The coffee sippers mingled with Boston’s Finest including Sgt. .Cogavin and Mission Hill Community Police Officer, Mike O’Rourke. The police have an unrelenting job and I appreciate them.
Did you hear the police received a call from a daycare center about a three year old boy-I’m told the boy was Resisting A Rest.
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