What’s Happening on Main Streets

      Happy New Year!

      I hope that everyone had a safe and warm Holiday season despite mother nature saving all the 2024 rain for the last couple of weeks of the year.

      If you entered the Mission Bar and Grill just about any day in December, it was clear that the Holidays were near and people were feeling festive, as they seemed to have had a holiday party to host weekly! It always makes me happy to see staff, students, professionals and residents from area institutions choosing local restaurants to host their annual gatherings.

      On Saturday, December 7th, the annual Mission Hill tree lighting and Mayor’s Holiday Trolley brought more festive spirit to Brigham Circle. Despite the cold day, we had a great turnout of community members show up to take part in the celebration! In addition to Mayor Wu, City Councilors Sharon Durkan (D8) and Henry Santana (at-large) spoke to the crowd and were joined by several other city officials in the audience. I think I can speak on behalf of everyone who attended when I say THANK YOU! to Solid Ground Café and Keith and Lucia, for the hot cider and beautiful Christmas Tree and snickerdoodle cookies and the table they were placed on; Mike’s Donuts for the holiday themed donuts, munchkins and hot chocolate- and Maria Weinograd for braving the temps to help serve them; and to Pam Carthy and her staff at Penguin Pizza, who were constantly back and forth providing pizza to those in attendance as it was in high demand. We are grateful for all that you provided that kept so many of us warm. I would also like to thank Pam Carthy, Office Michael O’Rourke and our ONS Liaison Maccon Bonner for all the help with setting up and getting the appropriate city departments to prepare the space. I’d also like to shout out Maccon for assisting Main Streets in placing 35 wreaths around the business district on the coldest day of the year (up to that point)!

      In addition to public celebrations and events for the holidays, a lot typically goes on behind the scenes this time of year to ensure that those in need are provided for by the community when possible. I am grateful to Yousef Irziqat, owner of Crispy Dough Pizzeria and Hebron Market, who donated close to 250 pounds of frozen meat (chicken, beef, lamb) to local families. I would also like to thank John Jackson at the Tobin Community Center, who assisted us by reaching out to and coordinating with families to pick up and drop off the donations from Hebron Market. Mission Hill is so lucky to have both of you and I am sure some families’ holidays were made by your generosity.

      Boston Building Resources would like to announce their “Fixit Clinic” set for February 8th! Don’t throw it away – fix it! Bring something you need fixed or mended to this free event at Boston Building Resources on Saturday, February 8, 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Whether it’s a bicycle, electronic gadget, small appliance, or garment that needs mending, you can get help from a Fixit Coach to walk you through repairs.

      Fixing and reusing items rather than throwing them away is an excellent way to reduce your environmental impact. Extending an item’s useful life preserves the energy and resources that would be needed to manufacture a replacement. The Fixit Clinic will take place at Boston Building Resources, 100 Terrace Street, Roxbury Crossing, 02120. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fixit-clinic-tickets-1112031539269?aff=oddtdtcreator

      Happy January everybody, stay warm out there!

              If there is anything I missed that you’d like to promote or have shared on social media, please reach out: [email protected].

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