Category: Opinion

Editorial: The parklet boondoggle

The up-to-$25,000 cost of the City-funded “parklet,” aka free sidewalk seating for private businesses, is as amazing as the fact that it took a Gazette Freedom of Information Act request to get that number. The parklet program looks like a…

Editorial: The abuses of spying

Recently revealed government spying on peaceful protestors and potentially everyone’s phone records, email and Internet activity are outrageous violations of the First and Fourth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. They are shocking examples of fear overcoming wisdom and power overcoming…

Hill Happenings

As the youngest of six, I’m a lucky guy to have had a terrific big brother. Thanks, John. John Martin passed away peacefully in Las Vegas June 2 after an enduring illness. A deluge of memories of John billowed through…

Editorial: BCH’s plans

Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) is facing the classic Longwood Medical Area tension between the future and the past in its long-term development plans. It aims to plant a tower atop what is now a handsome Shattuck Street building and a…

Editorial: Happy birthday, BWH

Congratulations to Brigham and Women’s Hospital on its 100th anniversary. There is a reason BWH has been a part of this city for that long. It is one of the world’s great teaching hospitals. It is outstanding at research and…

Letter: Prouty Garden should be preserved

I signed the petition to save the Prouty Garden at Boston Children’s Hospital, but online testimonials are not enough. (“Petition urges hospital to save garden,” April 5.) Meaningful actions are required to sway the Boston Redevelopment Authority. Publicity about the…

Hill Happenings

Shortly after terror suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured on April 19, it was heartwarming to look out my window and see several hundred young folks engaging in a spontaneous celebration in front of Calumet Square. When a police cruiser arrived, two…