80 Years of Books
VA hospital systems could merge
Veteran Affairs (VA) Boston Healthcare System and Bedford VA Medical Center are investigating the possibility of unifying their programs into one large regional system. Under the current proposal, no facilities—like the VA hospital at 150 S. Huntington Ave.—would close, no…
What’s Happening on Main Streets
Misbehavior by thugs and rowdy student parties make for lively discussion at the monthly Crime Committee meeting, which always draws a good crowd at Mission Church. This neighborhood hosts the longest continuously operating crime watch group in the city and…
Concert series celebrates Latino Heritage Month
Sociedad Latina is celebrating Latino Heritage Month with a month-long concert series, ¡Viva Nuestra Música! “We’ve been doing Latino Heritage Month [celebrations] for years. This time we had an opportunity to do music-specific,” said Sociedad Latina Executive Director…
Lawsuits filed against NEU dorm
Two lawsuits have been filed in Suffolk County Superior Court, which aim to halt the Northeastern dorm project. They were heard by Judge Carol Ball on Aug. 30. “We’re seeking dismissal,” said John Tobin, Northeastern University’s (NEU) vice president of…