On June 7 in a public awards ceremony at MassArt’s Design Media Center the Mission Hill Fenway Neighborhood Trust board distributed checks for the projects listed below.
The in-person event is a tradition for the organization, according to chair Lauren Dewey Platt. This was their first in person distribution since June 2018.The board reviews applications in an annual spring request for proposals process overseen by a six-member board comprised of three residents from Fenway and three from Mission Hill.
Mission Hill
• Arts Talks: $10,000 for sound and stage equipment for the Mission Hill Arts Festival summer events at the Yard space at the Tobin Community Center
• Charlesbank Cooperative: $5,000 / matching grant for companion dog walking area for residents
• Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston: $5,000 / final grant for last phase of construction of the 725-727 Parker Street townhouses
• Massachusetts College of Art and Design Foundation: $7,000 for public events on the plaza in front of the MassArt Art Museum this summer
• Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services: $4,530 for summer fitness and art classes and concerts at Fitzgerald Park
• Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services, Maria Sanchez House / Roxbury Crossing Senior Building: $3,355 for summer art and knitting classes and yoga for seniors.
• MissionSAFE: $16,200 for summer internships for nine young adults in Mission Hill
• Mission Hill Women’s Writing Group: $4,620 for women’s writing workshops at the Parker Hill Branch Library
• Sociedad Latina: $10,000 for stipends for youth leaders in Workforce Development Pathways program
• STEP Nation: $4,695 for a Holiday on the Hill winter carnival at the Mission Hill Playground
• [ bitsandflow]: $3,025 / final grant for Fenway Memory Project
• Emerald Necklace Conservancy: $4,600 for Fenway Porchfest, Tuesday with Roses, and Muddy River Cleanup events
• FensFund: $8,850 / matching grant for a design project to rehabilitate the Agassiz Road Duck House for use as a community space.
• Fenway Civic Association: $5,000 for musicians’ fees for events in the Back Bay Fens and Ramler Park and fitness classes in Symphony Park in 2023
• Kaji Aso Studio: $9,000 for support of concert music series and marketing for 50th Anniversary Recognition Project
• Fenway Community Center: $5,650 for a Fenway Focus monthly speaker series.
• Operation P.E.A.C.E.: $9,000 for the creation of a “makerspace” to support learning, creativity, and personal development for Fenway youth, plus a tool lending library.
• Peterborough Senior Center: $10,000 for cultural trips, healthy food, and technology upgrades for seniors