Month: December 2020
COVID-19 Vaccines Arrive in Mission Hill: State Launches Phased Vaccination Plan and Dashboard
On Monday Shirley Nolan, a retired teacher and resident of the Benjamin Healthcare Center in Mission Hill, became the first long-term care resident in Massachusetts to receive the new COVID-19 vaccine. Nolan received her vaccine during a closed media event…
Chang-Diaz in Support of the State’s Police Reform Bill, But Calls Out Its Flaws
The police reform bill has been at the front of the minds of the Massachusetts Legislature this month, with the bill being sent to Governor Baker at the beginning of the month, which he sent back with amendments. A new…
Coalition for a Truly Affordable Boston Calls for Changes to the City’s IDP
The Coalition for a Truly Affordable Boston, a group of residents and community organizations who are calling on Mayor Walsh to strengthen the city’s Inclusionary Development Policy (IDP), held a virtual speak-out on December 9 where members explained the current…
Have a Happy — and Safe — New Year
The arrival of a new year marks a time for reflection, as to both the year that has passed and the year that lies ahead. In the words of the poet Alfred Lord Tennyson: Ring out the old, ring in…
Standing together
Walsh, Janey, and others speak out against proposed MBTA cuts Mayor Martin Walsh held a press conference on December 7 to speak out against the proposed cuts to the MBTA that were announced last month. Other speakers included City Council…
Walsh, Janey y otros en contra de los recortes propuestos a MBTA
El alcalde Marty Walsh presentó una conferencia de prensa el dic. 7 para oponerse a los recortes propuestos a la MBTA anunciados el mes pasado. También presentes fueron la presidenta del concejo municipal, Kim Janey; Lee Matsueda de Community Labor…
New School Committee chair leans on experience with youth in new role
Alexandra Oliver-Davila often tells the youth at Mission Hill’s Sociedad Latina be careful about what they say, because quite often it could come true. That is the case for Oliver-Davila, who – as a consultant 21 years ago – said…
Walsh appoints Aisha Miller as Chief of Civic Engagement
Long-time Chief of Civic Engagement Jerome Smith has left his position with the City, and has taken a job with Amazon. Now, Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced the appointment of Aisha Miller as the Chief of Civic Engagement for the…
Hill Happenings
I was saddened to hear of the passing of Kris Alden last month, who I had known since the good old days when we wrote for the” Mission Hill Good News” forty years ago. Kris was multi talented, among other things…