Category: Opinion

Bring on the Spring

Yes, we know that the calendar told us that spring officially began with the vernal equinox on March 20. And yes, the crocuses have been in full bloom, bringing a welcome burst of color to the otherwise-dreary New England landscape…

Op-ed Celebrating One Boston Day

By Mayor Martin J. Walsh Every year on the third Monday in April, tens of thousands of athletes gather in Hopkinton, and begin the 26.2-mile journey to Boylston Street in Boston. All along the Marathon route, spectators cheer on their…

Local Aid for Climate Change

By Jack Clarke There are three proposals before Beacon Hill lawmakers that could help pay for how we cope with the impacts of climate change – all should be considered. Climate change is the existential threat of our lifetime. It…


I am Grateful To the Editor of the Mission Hill Gazette Please let me extend my sincere appreciation to the entire neighborhood for their outpouring of kindnesses to me as I complete my nine years as your Mission Hill Main…

Op-Ed: The State of Our City Is Strong

Earlier this month, I gave my State of the City address at Symphony Hall. It’s one of my favorite events because it’s a chance to speak directly to the people of Boston about the progress we’ve made, the challenges that…

Thank you, Bob DeLeo

It’s hard to believe that it has been 10 years since Winthrop/Revere State Rep. Bob DeLeo was elected the Speaker of the House by his colleagues. (Yes, time flies.) We wish to make note of the 10th anniversary of Speaker…