Letter to the Editor 8-5-22

Take the first step toward a nicotine-free life

Dear Editor,

     The Massachusetts Department of Public Health is running Take the First Step, a campaign that educates adults about free resources designed to help them quit smoking, vaping, or using other tobacco or nicotine products. The campaign offers information about 1-800-QUIT-NOW, Massachusetts’ Quitline for tobacco/nicotine, and encourages residents to call for support or to connect online at mass.gov/quitting.  The campaign has ads, videos, and resources available in English and Spanish.

     A brochure about quitting, wallet cards with 1-800-QUIT-NOW information, and other materials are available free of charge at the Massachusetts Health Promotion Clearinghouse.

     Learn more about free resources to quit tobacco/nicotine and watch a video about 1-800-QUIT-NOW at mass.gov/quitting.

     Taking the first step toward a nicotine-free life can begin by speaking with a FREE trained quit coach on the phone at 1-800-QUIT-NOW or online at mass.gov/quitting. Please contact me, Edgar Duran Elmudesi, at the Metro Boston Tobacco-Free Community Partnership, eduran@hria.org or 617-502-6549  for more information and to help promote quit attempts in our region.

Edgar Duran Elmudesi

Project Associate

Metro Boston Tobacco Free Community

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