Congrats to Marion McCarthy and Col. George Rollins on their recent engagement, with a wedding date on the horizon. George is a West Point graduate who grew up in the Mission Hill projects, as did his honey, Marion.
Marion’s daughter, Nicole Condon, passed the Nursing Board Exam last month, following in her mother’s footsteps, as Marion was a nursing supervisor for many years. Nicole is a beautiful young woman who is married to Mike Condon, the personable bartender at The Crossing in Mission Hill.
I attended an inspiring Christmas party Dec. 23 at the Mission Hill Post, while peeking at the Patriots-Jaguars game. I enjoyed reminiscing with Charley Kelly and Bill Mulvey. Boston City Councilor Mike Ross made an appearance at the party. Other faces at the Christmas party included Jack O’Neill and his brother Kevin O’Neill, who was spinning yarns from yesteryear.
Kevin did correct me from my recent column about Kenny Bottary’s perfect game in 1970. I erroneously wrote that it was a home game at Jefferson Park, but the game was played at Victory Field in Watertown against St. Patrick’s. As the comedian said, “I wear orthopedic shoes. I stand corrected.” Kevin, incidentally, was third baseman in that epic game.
On a sweet note from the party, Janet Earley baked a batch of delicious chocolate cookies.
Food for thought: George Curran tells me, if you’re in a pinch for good French bread, Figueroa’s at Parker and Delle Ave. is the place. It’s one of the few local stores that sells it, “and the bread is always fresh,” he said.
At the Beer & Book Club, held Saturday afternoons at the Mission Hill Post, “Killing Lincoln” by Bill O’Reilly was recommended by several patrons. I read “Killing Lincoln,” and it was indeed a terrific book. Post bartender Joe Ryan is the chairman of the B&B Club.
Speaking of bartenders, at The Crossing last week, where I sipped a Bud Light, it was a joy to be served by Danielle Fahey. Danielle is a pretty young woman who lends a touch of class behind the bar.
Happy birthday to my dear friend Maria Weinograd, proprietor of Mike’s Donuts across from Mission Church. Maria was born Jan. 1 in the village of Neon Oitilon in Greece. Maria arrived a few hours after the New Year, and according to family lore, Maria’s dad was playing cards when he was notified of Maria’s birth a little after 2 a.m.
The friends of Mary Jayne Cassiani wish Mary Jayne a happy birthday. Mary Jayne is a charming Mission Hill woman who was born on Jan. 6. Mary Jayne was born a week after the Dec. 31 birthday of her childhood friend Donna Summer.
The Tilton School basketball team will be playing in a game at the Kroc Center in Dorchester on Sat., Jan. 12 at 3 p.m. Tilton is led by sensational guard Wayne Selden from Mission Hill. In last month’s column, I incorrectly referred to Wayne’s mother as “Lavette Selden.” Her name is Lavette Pitts.
The Kroc Center, incidentally, is a magnificent athletic center located on Dudley Street. Tilton also plays at the Kroc Center on Jan. 19.