Congratulations to Brigham and Women’s Hospital on its 100th anniversary.
There is a reason BWH has been a part of this city for that long. It is one of the world’s great teaching hospitals. It is outstanding at research and experimental breakthroughs that benefit us all. It is also outstanding at patient care. It is a place that recently saved the lives of our mayor and of dozens of Boston Marathon bombing victims.
For many years, BWH was known for trying to take over large pieces of Mission Hill. Today, it is frequently a great partner with Mission Hill, offering everything from jobs to public health resources. Fittingly, it will cap its birthday celebrations next year with a project that benefits the hospital while also adding a new park for the community in Brigham Circle.
Today, we are lucky to have such a neighbor. A hundred years from now, we trust that BWH will offer a new generation undreamed of medical breakthroughs, and will be an event closer partner with our neighborhood.