Mission Hill has been fortunate to have local City Councilor Mike Ross not only representing the neighborhood, but also living in it for about half of his dozen years in office. With Ross leaving the seat to run for mayor, it is vital that voters choose a new city councilor with a similar commitment to Mission Hill.
That doesn’t mean the candidate has to live in Mission Hill, though one of the several people in the running does. It does mean that they should have a fine-grained understanding of this great, emergent neighborhood’s particular issues, as well as genuine affection for its people and traditions, from Little League to Mission Church.
The council’s District 8 is highly diverse, running from Mission Hill to Beacon Hill, including the Fenway, the Back Bay and the remaining West End. Of those, Mission Hill is the farthest from City Hall and the least wealthy as well. It needs a strong partner on the City Council.
We look forward to seeing all of the candidates frequently in Mission Hill this summer.