By Emily Resnevic/Gazette Staff
Boston Police shut down four loud Mission Hill parties in under two hours on Sept. 21, issuing citations for numerous offenses, including possession of alcohol by minors and public drinking. One party was estimated to have 90 people in attendance.
Loud parties, often held by college students, are an ongoing quality-of-life issue in the neighborhood. It is unclear whether any of the Sept. 21 parties were thrown by college students, but the crackdown was carried out in partnership with the Northeastern University Police Department.
According to the Boston Police Department (BPD), officers first arrived at a loud party on Darling Street where they came across loud music, alcohol and several dozen people in the apartment. The guests were asked to leave, and the three tenants were summoned to West Roxbury District Court for a minor in possession of alcohol charge.
Around 12:30 a.m., officers responded to a call at 101 Calumet St., Apt. 3. The party, complete with music, alcohol and a large group of people, was broken up. Two tenants were summoned to West Roxbury Court for supplying alcohol to minors and minor in possession of alcohol.
At 12:51 a.m., officers arrived at 46 Alleghany St. to find approximately 90 people congregated and consuming alcoholic beverages. Officers speculated that many of the people were under 21, but could not find or identify the tenants. They cleared and secured the apartment.
Finally, officers responded to a radio call at 63 Wait St. around 2 a.m. where they observed several people outside drinking alcohol. They issued summons to the tenants for minor in possession of alcohol and supplying alcohol to a minor.
BPD encourages residents to call the BPD Party Line as a resource to “prevent late night disorderly behavior and to reduce the incidents of possible criminal intent.” It can be reached at 617-343-5500. Residents may also use 911 to report disturbances.