The deadline for Hill Agenda listings is noon, April 1 for the April 4 issue. Email listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given.
Roxbury Heritage State Park community visioning workshop, provide input into the vision for the future of the Roxbury Heritage State Park, including desirable improvements to, and activities at, the Dillaway-Thomas House and Roxbury Heritage State Park, as well as what and whose stories to commemorate through exhibits. Mon., March 24, 6pm, Roxbury Community College, Bldg 4, 2nd floor. Info: [email protected].
Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services board of directors, first Monday of every month, 6-7:30pm, Mission Church Parish Center, 1545 Tremont St. Info: 566-6565.
Community Alliance of Mission Hill, agenda to be announced, third Wednesday of the month, 7-8:30pm, Harvard School of Public Health, 677 Huntington Ave. Info: [email protected].
Mission Hill Crime Committee, this month, 30th anniversary party, Thurs., March 27; meet and discuss crime issues with police, elected officials and college administrators, usually fourth Thursday of the month, no meeting in December, Mission Church Music Room, 1545 Tremont St. Info: 442-0080.
LMA Forum, recurring meeting to discuss real estate developments in the LMA, date & location tbd. Info: [email protected].
Special Interest
The Leadership Forum community inaugural, meet and greet members of the Boston delegation, Sat., March 8, 2pm, Roxbury Community College, 1234 Columbus Ave. Info: [email protected].
Operation Stop I-95, presented by Roxbury Community college & MIT, panel discussion on the historic achievement to stop highway coming through Boston, Tues., March 11, noon-2pm, Roxbury Community College, Student Center, room 200. Info: 541-5304.
Clashing Rights: Free Speech and Reproductive Autonomy, panel discussion, Fri., April 25, 1-5pm, 240 Dockser Hall, Huntington Ave. & Forsyth St. Info: [email protected].
Mission Main Tenant Task Force, the task force board requests residents’ help and input, third Monday of each month, 6-8pm, Mission Main Community Room, 43 Smith St. Info: 708-8515.
Recording Studio, Sociedad Latina’s Music Clubhouse has a high-quality recording studio and beatmaking lab available for the community. 1530 Tremont St. Info/Scheduling: Joe Stephen, 442-4299/
Movies at the Museum of Fine Arts, for current listings and ticket prices, visit Museum of Fine Arts, 465 Huntington Ave.
Free film series, every third Thursday at 6 pm at Mission Hill Health Movement, 1534 Tremont Street; every first Wednesday at 5 pm at the Flynn Kitchen at RTH, 805 Huntington Ave. Co-sponsored by MHHM and RTH. Info: 427-6919.
Paintings by Marilyn Casey, March 1-April 30, The Mission Bar & Grill, 724 Huntington Ave. Artist’s reception Sunday, March 8, 4-6pm.
Parker Hill Branch Library, 1479 Tremont St., 427-3820. “Inspired by India,” photography by Maddu Huacuja, through March 22, with women’s artists discussion March 20, 5pm; “Expressions of Nature,” paintings and drawings by Sandra Neves, through April 30.
Parker Hill Branch Library, 1479 Tremont St., 427-3820. Book discussions: Thurs., March 13, 1:30pm: “The Painted Girls” by Cathy Marie Buchanan; Thurs., April 10: “The Twelve Tribes of Hattie” by Ayana Mathis.
Parker Hill Branch Library, 1479 Tremont St., 427-3820. Thursdays, 3-7pm: open art. Mon.-Thurs., 3:30-5:30pm: homework help. Tuesdays, 10:30am: preschool storytime. March 11, 3:30pm: stop motion animation, ages 10+, registration required.
Youth Table Tennis Program launch, drinks & snacks, Sat., March 8, 1pm, Tobin Community Center, 1481 Tremont St. Info: [email protected]/635-5216.
Visual arts classes, taught by professionals and include drawing, painting, sculpture, mixed media, digital photography and graphic design, ages 6-12, Saturdays, 9am-2pm, Sociedad Latina Cultural Arts, 1530 Tremont St. Info: 442-4299/
Music Classes, group classes for ages 8-21 on Saturdays, 9 am-2pm. Classes are taught by professionals and include drums, voice, keyboard, guitar, bass, and beatmaking. Ensemble opportunities are also available. Sociedad Latina Music Clubhouse, 1530 Tremont St. Info/Registration: Joe Stephen, 442-4299/
ABCD Child Care Choices for Boston, parents looking for quality affordable care for their children, child-care providers seeking technical assistance and parents with special situations like children with disabilities can call 542-5437 for referrals and information.
Arts and Crafts Classes at RTH, Weds. mornings, 10am-noon, Flynn House Kitchen, 805 Huntington Ave, 1st Floor. Info: Laura Adams, 566-4025/[email protected].
Parker Hill Branch Library, 1479 Tremont St., 427-3820. Basic Training for Artists, Sat., March 22, 9:30am-2pm, register: Digital Photography for Beginners, two-part workshop, April 5 & 12, 10am-1pm, register by March 27. Info: [email protected].
Weekly Bilingual Mandarin-English chat, practice Mandarin language skills with native speakers and others, must request Harvard building access permission 2 days in advance, Tuesday evenings, 6-9pm, HSPH, 677 Huntington Ave. Info: 615-9672/[email protected].
ESOL and citizenship classes, offered by RTH. Beginning ESOL, Mon. & Fri., 7:30-9pm. English for workplace, Tues. & Thurs., 7:30-9pm. Advanced ESOL, Fri 5:30-7pm, Sat. 7:30-9pm. Citizenship class, Tues. & Thurs., 2:30-4pm. Flynn conference room, 805 Huntington Ave. Info: 232-0400/[email protected].
Learn About Your Medications, Presented by Mission Hill Health Movement, Mission Hill Senior Legacy Project, and MCPHS University, Tues., March 25, noon-2pm, Tobin Community Center, 1481 Tremont St. Info: 739-9751.
Women’s Health Group, first Tuesday of every month, 6-7:30pm, Mission Hill Health Movement, 1534 Tremont St. Info: 739-2923.
Feet First, Mission Hill Health Movement walking group, Mondays at 11am, 714 Parker St., Info: 739-9751.
Free Fitness Classes at RTH, Yoga: Mon. & Fri., 11am, Parks Community Building, 2 New Whitney Street. Senior fitness: Tues. & Thurs., 2pm, Flynn House, 1st Floor, 805 Huntington Ave. Info: Laura Adams, 566-4025/[email protected].
Quit Smoking, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is offering inexpensive weekly classes with flexible schedules, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, 44 Binney St. $10/session. Info: 632-2099/
Grief Support Services, Samaritans provide services for community members who have lost loved ones to suicide, including the support group SafePlace, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7-9pm, JCRT radiology conference room, 5th Floor, Shapiro Building at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Info: Kim Kates 536-2460.
Office Hours
Congressman Mike Capuano, members of Capuano’s staff, 4th Tuesday of the month, 4-5pm, Ula Café, 284 Amory St., Jamaica Plain. Info: [email protected].
City Councilor Josh Zakim, last Friday of the month, 8-9am, Mike’s Donuts, 1524 Tremont St.
Neighborhood Coordinator from The Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services, Shaina Aubourg, 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, 3:30-5:30pm, Tobin Community Center, 1481 Tremont St. Info: 635-2679.
Tobin Community Center
1481 Tremont St., yearly membership: seniors 55+ free, family & adults $20, teens 13-17 $10, 12 and under $5. Info: 635-5216/
Boy Scouts, for grades 1-5, Fridays, 4-5:30pm, $30. Alana Hylton, 615-0004 x306.
Preschool, DEEC-licensed program ages 2.9-5, 7:30am-5:30pm, Private and subsidized slots available, vouchers accepted. Info: 635-4920.
After-school, ages 6-13, M-F, 2-6pm, $42 per month plus membership. Homework help, tutoring, sports, arts, computers.
Youth Connection, meet with Youth Workers and interact with other youths 9-19 years old, plan activities and have your voice heard, Mon.-Fri., 4-8pm, $10/year.
Youth Gym/Fitness, Flag football, floor hockey, open gym. Karate ages 6-16, Mondays & Wednesdays, 4-6pm, $25 uniform fee; Skills & Drills coed basketball, ages 6-14, Saturdays 9am-noon, $25 includes breakfast, and T-shirt; weight room, ages 14-17, Mon.-Fri., 4-6pm; Baseball/Softball for ages 9-15, Fridays 7:30-9pm, Saturdays 4-7pm.
Adult/Family Fitness, Adult Karate, Mondays 6:30-8:30pm, free with membership; Family Karate, all ages, Saturdays 9:30-11am, free with membership; Adult Yoga, Thursdays, 6:30-7:30pm, free with membership; Boxing, Saturdays 1-2pm, $15 and membership; Men’s Basketball League Wednesdays, 6-9pm, $20 plus membership; Weight room, Mon.-Fri., 9am-noon & 6-9pm, free with membership; Cardio Kickboxing, Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30pm, free with membership.
Computer Lab, Adult Open Access for email and document creation, Mon.-Fri., 11am-1pm; Youth Open Access for ages 8-18, Fridays, 2-5pm.
Senior Activities, free for adults 55 and over. Legacy Project, grassroots advocacy and education effort. Join the planning committee and create activities by and for seniors. Info: Carmen Pola, 820-1089.
Boston Partners in Education, seeks volunteers to help out in Boston Public Schools, either in classrooms, one-on-one, or in small groups. One-hour-a-week commitment. Info: 451-6145/
Need Volunteers? Nonprofit orgs can post listings for volunteer positions at the MCPHS web site, Look for “MCPHS In the Community” in the “About MCPHS” section.
FriendshipWorks, matches volunteers with frail elders and adults with disabilities in Greater Boston Visit for coffee, go for a walk, or help with shopping. Info: 482-1510/[email protected].
Road To Recovery, American Cancer Society needs local residents to drive cancer patients to and from treatment. Info: 800-227-2345/
Public Notices
The Problem Properties Task Force deals with student-related issues occurring Thurs.-Sat. between 11:45pm and 3:45am, report to 504-7003. For immediate issues at other times, call 911 or email [email protected].
BRA Board Meetings, broadcast live on Boston’s government access channel, Comcast 24/RCN 13, and available for streaming video at
$5 Million Reward, for information leading directly to the return of 13 works of art stolen two decades ago from the Gardner Museum. Anonymous tips can be mailed to 280 The Fenway. Info: Anthony Amore, Director of Security: 278-5114.