The City’s permitting process might now be just a little bit easier, with the new Boston Permits and Licenses online platform. Mayor Martin Walsh unveiled the platform on Nov. 2, according to a press release.
“We are committed to creating a permitting process that is user-friendly, modern and easily accessible to all of our customers,” said Walsh, according to the press release.
He said that the system will be more supportive and give businesses and contractors more opportunities to improve the city for the long-term.
The platform, which has been in development over the past year, will focus on supporting businesses, homeowners and contractors through the entire permitting process.
The initial release of the platform will include the following features that allow for the ability to:
- apply for multiple permits at once and group permits together in a single project;
- build a team of project partners who can advance all permits needed for a project;
- view information about project review statuses;
- create accounts through Google mail and other common login providers;
- identify project location on a map-based interface.
“Our goal is to deliver digital services for Boston that are as good as those from the best private companies,” said Jascha Franklin-Hodge, chief information officer for the City.
The platform release adds to a series of improvements to permitting that the Mayor has incorporated over the past year, which stem from the City’s first HubHacks event in August 2014.
The Boston Permits and Licenses platform is the product of a partnership with OpenCounter and Accela, which was first announced in December 2014.
It is anticipated that the new online permitting experience will be rolled out in a series of phases, which will continuously improve based on user feedback over time.
Individuals or companies interested in using the product and helping to provide feedback can sign up at