City youths can apply for summer jobs with SuccessLink, an online tool recently launched by the City of Boston, according to a press release.
Using SuccessLink, teenagers between the ages of 15 and 18 as of Aug. 18, 2017 can register for the summer Youth Employment Program lottery and join civic engagement initiatives designed for youth empowerment.
“A summer job is so much more than just a paycheck,” said Mayor Martin Walsh, according to the press release. “It’s also a chance to explore career options, experience new things, and meet new people. Giving our young people an opportunity to have a summer job builds confidence and sets students on the path for a successful career.”
Summer opportunities include paid positions with the Boston Police Department, Zoo New England, radio stations, Boston municipal government departments, and as tutors, mentors, and counselors at summer day programs. Nearly 3,000 young people were employed through SuccessLink last year.
The SuccessLink application will be available through March 31. Teens can apply on the BCYF Youth Engagement & Employment Division website on For more information or assistance with the application, applicants can visit 1483 Tremont St. on Mission Hill or call 617-635-4202.