Author: staff


El plazo para la sección de Participación es al mediodía, martes, 2 abril para la edición 5 abril. Mande eventos a [email protected]. Los números telefónicos empiezan con el código 617. Reuniones Junta de directores de Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing, primer…

What’s Happening on Main Streets

By Richard Rouse Special to the Gazette Since a fire closed down the Green Tea Coffee shop two years ago, Brigham Circle business advocates have been hankering for a new first-class java spot. The clean and colorful Solid Ground Café…

Hill Agenda

The deadline for Hill Agenda listings is noon, Tues., Feb. 26 for the March 1 issue. Email listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given. Meetings  Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services…

Op-Ed: The State of Our City Is Strong

Earlier this month, I gave my State of the City address at Symphony Hall. It’s one of my favorite events because it’s a chance to speak directly to the people of Boston about the progress we’ve made, the challenges that…

Thank you, Bob DeLeo

It’s hard to believe that it has been 10 years since Winthrop/Revere State Rep. Bob DeLeo was elected the Speaker of the House by his colleagues. (Yes, time flies.) We wish to make note of the 10th anniversary of Speaker…

What’s Happening on Main Streets

The year 2019 began quite differently with an interesting (for me) medical challenge. As some of you might have heard, I underwent heart surgery right after Christmas to correct a defective aortic valve that I’ve been aware of for the…