Category: listings

Participación, Nov. 11-Dec. 8

Educa Economía, Teach In on the Economy, es el nombre del seminario que se dictará en  Northeastern University’s School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs. Este domingo 13, 9am-4pm, Northeastern University Blackman Auditorium, 342 Huntington Ave. Se anuncian especialistas como  Barry…

What’s Up

The final, last-minute deadline for What’s Up listings is noon, Oct. 11 for the Oct. 14 issue. Email listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given. Meetings         …


Citas BPL. Hay un comversatorio para discutr el futuro de Boston Public Library. Será el proóximo jueves 25, 6-7pm, en la sucursal Parker Hill, 1497 Tremont St. Info: Conciertos. El programa Summer Concerts in the Courtyard del Museum of…

What’s Up

The final, last-minute deadline for What’s Up listings is noon, Sept. 13 for the Sept. 16 issue. Email listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given. Meetings          BPL Compass, discuss…


  Citas Conciertos. El programa Summer Concerts in the Courtyard del Museum of Fine Arts. Tiene un ciclo interesante los miércoles con músicay cantantes folklóricos. 465 Huntington Ave. Info: Artistas. Roxbury Open Studios, tiene abierta la oportunidad de participar…

What’s Up

The final, last-minute deadline for What’s Up listings is noon, Aug. 16 for the Aug. 19  issue. Email listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given. Meetings Community Alliance of Mission…